Gymysh divorcohet nga bashkëshorti, ky i fundit e kërcënon me vdekje
Aktorja Songül Öden apo sic e njohim ndryshe te personazhi Gumus është divorcuar përfundimisht nga bashkëshorti i saj Canberk Uçucu. Mediat turke kanë bërë me dije së Uçucu nuk ka mundur dot të kontrollojë xhelozinë, pas afërsisë së saj me aktorin e njohur Kivanc Tatlitug (Mehemet), partner në serialin Gymysh në të cilin aktrojnë së bashku, serial ky që u bë shumë i famshëm edhe në Ballkan dhe Lindjen e Afërt.Mësohet se Canberk Uçucu ka kërcënuar me vdekje publikisht aktoren duke u shprehur se do ta vriste. Ndërkohë gjykata e ka dënuar atë me shtatë muaj dënim me burg, pesë vjet të mos i afrohet bashkëshortes, si dhe 5 mijë euro gjobë. Martesa e tyre zgjati vetëm 5 vite, nga viti 2007 e deri tani.
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Design a Clean and Modern Pricing Table in Photoshop
Final Product What You'll Be Creating
Step 1: Preparation
Let’s start by making a new file (Command/Ctrl + N) with size 800 pixels × 600 pixels.Step 2
Add Adjustment Layer Solid Color to be used as background. Select #f7f8eb for its color.Step 3
Grab free pixel pattern from PSDfreemium. Double click Adjustment Layer to add Pattern Overlay using this pattern.Step 4
Add new layer and fill it with black. Click Filter > Noise > Add Noise.Step 5
From Layers panel, set its blend mode to Screen.Step 6: Base
We’ll start by drawing the base. Draw a rounded rectangle shape with radius of 10 px. Set its fill to very light blue with no Stroke.Step 7
Double click the layer to add Layer Style. Apply Stroke and Inner Shadow using following settings.Step 8: Title Bar
Duplicate the shape and change its color. Add rectangle shape on its lower part and set its mode to Subtract. Now, we have a title bar.Step 9
Add Stroke, Inner Glow, and Gradient Overlay using following settings.Step 10
Add table title. Add letterpress effect onto the text by applying Drop Shadow.How to Create Soft Romantic Background of the Air Bubbles and Hearts in Adobe Photoshop CS6
Final Image Preview
Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS6 with the size 1000px by 1000px (RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill with #610B18 color the new background layer.
Create a new layer and select the Soft Round brush.
Use this brush to paint the background with the color #FF2D64 (set brush Opacity to 20% in Options bar).
Create another new layer and select the mentioned brush above to paint the background with this color #FE2000 (brush Opacity – 15%).
Create a new layer and select on it the Soft Round brush to paint the background, this time with #5C1722 (brush Opacity – 20%).
We’ve got the next result:
Create the next new layer and apply the same Soft Round brush to continue painting the background with the color #CF0012 (brush Opacity – 15%).
We’ve got the next background:
Add create another new layer, applying on it the Soft Round brush from above mentioned example to paint the layer of this color #D200BE (brush Opacity – 15%).
Next we’ll select the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw a small circle.
Set Fill to 0% for this layer and click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel to select Stroke.
Add Inner Glow:
We’ve got the next bubble:
Make a copy of the last represented layer (CTRL+J) and fill the circle with white color (Fill – 100%).
On the last made layer we’ll insert the mask by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and press CTRL+I to Inverse the color.
Choose the Soft Round brush of white color and paint in the mask to get the next highlight on the circle.
Make a copy of the last made layer and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to make smaller the copy, exactly as it is shown below.
Insert the mask on this layer and select again the Soft Round brush of black color mentioned in the previous example, paint in the mask to hide the layer content as it is represented below.
We’ve got the next air bubble:
Combine in a group all the layers composing the air bubble (press CTRL button to select the necessary layers in Layers panel and then press CTRL+G to Create a new group).
Make many copies of the got group and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to change the copies’ sizes, placing them as it is represented below, getting the shape of a heart. We need also to apply a different Fill value on several groups. On other ones we’ll change the Blending mode to Overlay.
Starting Big Brother 6
Arbana Osmani is back presenter spekaklit as in five previous editions, as well as fantastic organization by Top Channel was not a big surprise.
Total home entered 16 people, four of whom are from Education, Blendi, Altina and bird. That all residents have shown a great secret before entering the house, which it will reveal to each other.
This represents the biggest change in this year's edition of Big Brother. However, the public has not reacted well to some of the great secrets of residents.
"I'm fan of Real Madrid", "I'm vegetarian", "smoke from the age of 4 years," were some of the secrets that are not well received by the public and are also described as absurd.
Largest house in Albania is also worth noting that gets high marks. Interior of modern European orientation has left spellbound to all residents, as well as the Albanian public.
Big Brother adventure has begun and the show is expected to last until May, with the big winner will receive not less than 100 thousand euro