Design a Clean and Modern Pricing Table in Photoshop

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

Photoshop is often used to create graphics and layouts for web designs. In this tutorial, we will explain how to create a pricing table for a hosting company using a combination of vector shapes and layer styles. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Preparation

Let’s start by making a new file (Command/Ctrl + N) with size 800 pixels × 600 pixels.

Step 2

Add Adjustment Layer Solid Color to be used as background. Select #f7f8eb for its color.

Step 3

Grab free pixel pattern from PSDfreemium. Double click Adjustment Layer to add Pattern Overlay using this pattern.

Step 4

Add new layer and fill it with black. Click Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

Step 5

From Layers panel, set its blend mode to Screen.

Step 6: Base

We’ll start by drawing the base. Draw a rounded rectangle shape with radius of 10 px. Set its fill to very light blue with no Stroke.

Step 7

Double click the layer to add Layer Style. Apply Stroke and Inner Shadow using following settings.

Step 8: Title Bar

Duplicate the shape and change its color. Add rectangle shape on its lower part and set its mode to Subtract. Now, we have a title bar.

Step 9

Add Stroke, Inner Glow, and Gradient Overlay using following settings.
Below you can see result of the Layer Style onto the title bar.

Step 10

Add table title. Add letterpress effect onto the text by applying Drop Shadow.